Wednesday, September 23, 2015

A quick update for my fans!

I know it's been a while, so here's a really quick update for September. 

We started the month off in Taipei, Taiwan.  The flight was only about an hour and half from Hong Kong, so you can't beat that!  Taipei is big into street food, there's always someone selling something off a grill on almost every corner at almost any time of day.  We went to a night market that was basically a giant outside food court.  There were some very questionable things being consumed, but we stuck to things we could recognize. 

Yum, meat on a stick!

We went to the Taipei Zoo one day.  Not only was the actual zoo giant, the animal enclosures were all really large.  The highlight of the zoo was, of course, the panda.  We got to his enclosure right when he was getting up for the day, so he was being really active.  He was walking around searching for bamboo to snack on and was climbing on the trees and everything.  Soo cute!

Entrance to the Taipei Zoo

Panda doing his thing, snacking on snacks

Another awesome part of the trip was when we visited the natural sulfur springs.  Getting to the springs is really easy, just jump on the train and in about 20 minutes, you're there!  You can go to a public spring, or go to any number of hotels and rent a private room with a hot tub for a few hours.  This was really relaxing and a nice break from running around all day.

Our sulfur springs hot tub
Something we noticed about Taipei that we thought was strange was the fact that there were no trash cans on the streets.  That might not sound strange, but the weird part was there was NO litter on the streets.  Not even after a Friday or Saturday night.  We saw people walking around eating and drinking, but could not figure out what they were doing with their trash.   

Signing off with a view of Taipei from a gondola ride at the zoo!


  1. Just catching up on your blog...yall are having an awesome adventure! Keep the posts coming :) We miss you guys!

  2. Loving the updates - your fans want more!
