Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Want to Visit the Philippines?

Here's a little advice if you ever want to visit the Philippines.

Things to bring:

1. White Gold (a.k.a. toilet paper).  There is very little toilet paper available, even at restaurants.  Also, don't flush your toilet paper, you'll need to throw it away in the trash can (usually) provided in the stall.  If the toilet doesn't flush and there's a bucket with water in it in the stall with you, you somehow are supposed to use the water to flush the toilet.  (Seems easy enough, but it might not be).  Also, don't be surprised if there's no soap in the bathroom.

 2. Hand wipes, face wipes, body wipes, any kind of wipes you can get your hands on.  You will sweat, and then continue sweating until you have fallen asleep in your sweat.  If you can't stand feeling dirty or grimy, you might have a hard time enjoying yourself.

3. Excitement over tiny, cute planes and finally getting to walk on the airport tarmac (or apron, if you want to use the technical term). 

4. Sense of adventure.
(This is what happens when a bag is abandoned at the airport in Manila, it's just roped off)
But, it's worth it.
View from Mount Tapyas

 Lastly, here's a Philippines edition of Odd Store Names:

Oops Chicken, a Korean restaurant that offers fried chicken tossed in various sauces.  Although it's an odd name, it was tasty! 

1 comment:

  1. The sweat thing would be a problem for me but it looks so pretty that I think I could deal!
